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Webinar FAQ: Nurse Education, Practice, Quality and Retention (NEPQR) Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Program (IPCP) Behavioral Health Integration (BHI)

Eligibility, Preferences, and Program

Budget and Grants Management

Eligibility, Preferences, and Program

  1. Are organizations other than Nurse-Managed Health Clinics (NMHCs) eligible to apply?

    Eligible applicants include:

    • Accredited schools of nursing
    • Health care facilities
    • Partnership of a school and facility
  2. What is a nurse-led primary care team?

    Nurse-led primary care team: A primary care practice in which the primary care provider is an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN). An interdisciplinary team of healthcare providers staffs the practice.

    Nurse-led primary care teams can be in non-institutional settings (e.g., community-based clinics such as Nurse Managed Health Centers (NMHCs), school-based clinics, and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs)).

  3. Can I apply without an existing nurse-led primary care team?

    Yes (assuming you meet our eligibility criteria).

    Note: We review and score organizations based on the applicants’:

    • Description of existing behavioral health service gaps within their current nurse-led primary care team
    • Their organizational capacity
  4. What care providers must be on the team?

    The care team must include, at a minimum:

    • An advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) as the primary care provider
    • At least one full-time equivalent licensed behavioral health provider
  5. What is the total allowable length of a biosketch for key personnel?

    A biosketch should be no more than two pages in length.

  6. Can I integrate a nurse-led primary care team into an existing behavioral health site(s)?

    No, the intent of this funding opportunity is to integrate behavioral health services into nurse-led primary care teams.

  7. Can an RN occupy more than one role on the care team?

    Yes, an RN can occupy more than one role but cannot occupy all roles.

  8. Do you require, recommend, or endorse a specific BHI model?

    No, we don’t require, recommend, or endorse a specific BHI model. Our Integrated Behavioral Health Resource Library provides evidence-based BHI strategies and resources for BHI implementation.

  9. Are current BHI award recipients eligible for this funding opportunity?

    Yes, current grantees can apply as a competing continuation. The objective review process is the same for all applicants.

  10. What kind of funding preferences are available for this program?

    This program has four statutory funding preferences described on page 27 of the NOFO,

    Four funding preferences:

    1. Applicants that have not previously received an award under any Nurse Education, Practice, Quality and Retention program
    2. Substantially benefits rural populations
    3. Substantially benefits underserved populations
    4. Helps meet the public health nursing needs in state and local health departments.
  11. What should I include in my sustainable business model plan?

    Clearly describe a plan that identifies and addresses:

    The organization(s) critical elements that need to change to support the transition towards full integration after federal funding is no longer available.

  12. What is an Interoperative Health IT system?

    An Interoperative Health IT system supports the ability of two or more components or systems to exchange information. The system uses the information that is exchanged.

  13. What are the differences between a program evaluation, rapid cycle quality improvement (RCQI) evaluation, and impact evaluation plans?

    Program Performance Evaluation: Evaluates processes and progress toward the proposed goals of the project.

    Example: Measuring team performance or the relationship of collaborative partners during specified timeframes within the project periods to assess if/how they contribute to patient outcomes.

    RCQI Evaluation: Monitors ongoing project activities and related outcomes for the purposes of QI.

    Example: An element of the evaluation could review if the new online screening forms increase the rate of patient screening.

    Program Impact Evaluation: Evaluates the impact of your project on patient access, quality, and cost (or BHW new program aims: access, supply, distribution, and quality – as mentioned in the TA webinar).

    Example: Describing a plan to evaluate data collected over the project period that will show increased access and quality of care in the community.

  14. I have specific questions and ideas about activities I would like to do (i.e. staffing models, partnerships, care team members, etc.). Can I reach out to you with my ideas?

    No. We don’t allow you to ask us about ideas.

    If you have questions about the NOFO itself, reach out to the Project Officer or Grants Management Specialist we list in the NOFO. We will address any questions specific to the NOFO.

    Note: You must submit an application that best describes how your proposed project and activities meet the purpose, goals, and objectives of the funding announcement.

Budget and Grants Management

  1. Does the 8% Indirect Cost Rate cap apply to this program?

    No, the 8% indirect cost rate cap doesn’t apply.

    You may use your current indirect negotiated rate agreement for this program (HRSA-20-012).

    Provide a copy of your current IDC agreement in attachment 10 when you submit your application.

  2. Can I use grant funds to pay for release time?

    No. You may only pay an individual for their time and effort spent on grant activities. You may not use grant funds to pay an organization/school so that an individual can be let go from their regular duties (such as teaching) to work on the grant.

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