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Apply for Loan Repayment

We offer programs that repay part of your school loan debt.

Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Program (Nurse Corps LRP)

We pay up to 85% of unpaid nursing education debt. In exchange, you serve at least two years. You must serve in a Critical Shortage Facility (CSF) or an eligible school of nursing.

Am I eligible to apply?

You are eligible if you are:

  • A registered nurse (RN)
  • An advanced practice registered nurse (APRN)
  • Nurse faculty (NF)

You must have received your nursing education from an accredited school of nursing. That school must be in a U.S. state or territory.

How do I apply?

Get details and guidance on how to apply to the Nurse Corps LRP.

How and where does the Nurse Corps provide care?

Growth of the Nurse Corps Workforce

National Health Service Corps (NHSC) Loan Repayment Programs

If eligible, you can apply to one of four NHSC loan repayment programs:

For states, the NHSC offers the State Loan Repayment Program (SLRP) as a cost-sharing grant.

Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Loan Repayment Program (STAR LRP)

The STAR LRP repays eligible educational loans. You must work in a full-time SUD treatment job. 

In exchange, you serve full-time for six years at a STAR LRP-approved treatment facility.

Am I eligible?

Your job must involve direct patient care in a

You must be trained, certified, registered, or licensed in an eligible discipline. 

Pediatric Specialty Loan Repayment Program

The Pediatric Specialty LRP repays eligible educational loans.

In exchange, you serve full-time for three (3) years at a Pediatric Specialty LRP-approved treatment facility.

Am I eligible?

You may be eligible to apply if you are providing:

  • Pediatric medical subspecialty
  • Pediatric surgical specialty
  • Child and adolescent mental and behavioral health care including substance use disorder (SUD) prevention and treatment services

You must be trained, certified, registered, or licensed in an eligible discipline.

How do I apply?

Get details and guidance on how to apply to the Pediatric Specialty LRP.

Learn what your site needs to become Pediatric Specialty LRP-approved.

Faculty Loan Repayment Program (FLRP)

If you're a faculty member, we'll repay a portion of your health professional student loan debt ($40,000 max over two years). In return, you serve at an eligible health professions school.

Am I eligible?

You are eligible for the Faculty Loan Repayment Program (FLRP) if

  1. You come from a disadvantaged background. We base this on environmental and economic factors.
  2. You have an eligible health professions degree or certificate.
  3. You are a faculty member at an approved health professions school. You must have a contract for two years or more.

How do I apply?

Get details and guidance on how to apply to the FLRP.

How to contact us

Call: 1-800-221-9393 | TTY: 1-877-897-9910
M - F | 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. (except federal holidays)
Use our contact form

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