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FAQ: Nurse Anesthetist Traineeship (NAT) Program

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-20-007

Application Submission Due Dates and Requirements

Eligibility, Use of Funds

Report Requirements

Application (HRSA-20-007)

Application Submission Due Dates and Requirements

  1. What is the application process for the Nurse Anesthetist Traineeship (NAT) Program?

    Apply electronically through The website provides instructions on how to apply.

    Use the Workspace to complete the Workspace Forms and submit the application Workspace Package.

    The PDF Application Packages are no longer available.

  2. When is the application due?

    The application is due March 6, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time.

    We strongly encourage you to submit your application ahead of the due date.

  3. Must applicants submit an application every year?

    No. For FY2020 we changed the NAT project period from one-year to three-years. This allows a longer period for data collection and measuring project performance.

    Period of Performance is July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2023 (3 years).

    Funding beyond the first year depends on the following:

    • Appropriated funds for NAT in subsequent fiscal years
    • Satisfactory recipient performance
    • Continued funding is in the best interest of the federal government.

Eligibility, Use of Funds

  1. Who is eligible to apply?

    Eligible applicants are accredited:

    • Schools of nursing
    • Nursing centers
    • Academic health centers
    • State or local governments
    • Public or private nonprofit entities (approved by the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs)

    All 50 states may apply. The following are also eligible:

    • District of Columbia
    • Guam
    • Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
    • Northern Mariana Islands
    • American Samoa
    • U.S. Virgin Islands
    • Federated States of Micronesia
    • Republic of the Marshall Islands
    • Republic of Palau

    Note: You must consult with the academic institution. Do not contact us regarding the NAT Program.

  2. Who is eligible to receive traineeship funds?

    Eligible full-time Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists in an accredited graduate-level Nurse Anesthetist Program.

  3. How can NAT funds be used; is there a minimum and maximum traineeship award amount per student?

    Eligible educational institution receives the award amount.

    Schools disburse the traineeship awards between $1,000 and $22,000 per year to each of its eligible NAT students.

    Traineeships will pay all or part of the costs, including:

    • Tuition;
    • Books (including e-Books);
    • Fees; and
    • The individual’s living expenses (stipends) during their traineeship period.
  4. What is the maximum number of months a trainee can receive NAT support?

    36 months is the maximum length a trainee can receive NAT support. FY20 awards support students during Academic Year 2020-2023.

Report Requirements

  1. What are the reporting requirements for the NAT Program?

    All NAT award recipients must track, collect, and report both student- and graduate-level data for the following reporting requirements:

    1. Performance Reports: due on an annual basis, with the next report due in the HRSA EHBs on July 31.
    2. Federal Financial Reports (FFRs, using Standard Form-425): The quarterly Federal Cash Transaction Report submitted to the Payment Management System (PMS) satisfies the financial reporting requirement.
    3. Progress Reports: Required for the NAT Program effective FY 2020. Recipients must submit a Progress Report to us on an annual basis.
      We verify accomplishments of the funded applicants’ proposed objectives during each year of the project. Recipient should also plan to report on dissemination activities in the Annual Progress Report.
      Progress Report has two parts:
      • First part: Demonstrates recipient progress on program-specific goals. Recipients will provide:
        • Performance information on project objectives and accomplishments
        • Project barriers and resolutions
        • Identify any technical assistance needs
      • Second part: Collects information to provide an overview of recipient progress in meeting the approved and funded objectives of the project. It also plans for continuation of the project in the coming budget period.
    4. Final Program Report (FPR): Due within 90 days after the Period of Performance ends. FPR provides us with information to close out an award after completion of project activities. Recipients must submit the FPR in the Electronic Handbook System (EHBs).
    5. Integrity and Performance Reporting: Notice of Award will contain a provision for Integrity and Performance Reporting in FAPIIS, as required in 45 CFR part 75 Appendix XII (if eligible for funding).
  2. What information do you require for the Annual Performance Report?

    Annual Performance Report will address all academic year activities from July 1 to June 30. It's due to us on July 31 each year.

    You are responsible for submitting the Annual Performance Reports by the July 31. Ensure staff are available to complete and submit the report on time.

    Final Performance Report (FPR) may be required to collect the remaining performance data if award activity extends beyond June 30 in the final year.

    FPR is due within 30 calendar days after the Period of Performance ends.

    Report training data each year for a three-year period, including:

    • Trainee demographic
    • National Provider Identifier: number and other individual-level data
    • One-year post-graduation employment information
    • Information on the clinical training sites
    • Individuals trained at those sites

    NAT Annual Performance Measures

Application (HRSA-20-007)

  1. Do I select “Continuation, Renewal, or New” if I received funding under this grant program last year?

    Select COMPETING CONTINUATION to apply for additional funding for a project/budget period with a projected completion date.

    Select NEW to submit a HRSA NAT application for the first time. You should use this option if you didn't receive NAT award funding previously.

  2. Are Doctor of Nursing Practice programs that do not have accreditation eligible to apply?

    No, new nursing graduate programs beginning the accreditation process must contact a national nursing accrediting agency (recognized by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education) before requesting a Letter of Reasonable Assurance.

    Letter of Reasonable Assurance is an assessment by the U.S. Department of Education stating you will receive timely accreditation upon submission of your application to HRSA.

    You must provide full documentation of all approvals (if applicable) to enroll students into a new graduate program (i.e. DNP, DNAP, DrNP, PhD) with the electronic application.

    This includes approval from the school, the college/university and the State Board of Nursing, as appropriate.

    Example: In the form of meeting minutes, a letter from the State Board of Nursing, or a letter from the Faculty Senate or State Finance Board as appropriate for the school.

  3. The dates on the electronic NAT Program Specific Data Forms are different from the NAT Funding Announcement. Is there an error?

    No. There is not an error; you must select the correct current fiscal year as the dates will be displayed based on the fiscal year selection.

    Effective in FY20, we revised the forms that previously collected one year of data on prospective students to capture three years of data. It allows us to calculate award amounts for a multi-year project period.

    Table 1 includes the ability to provide year two and year three data for the number of prospective students. The first four columns of data is from the previously completed Academic Year.

    Table 2 data collection elements will not change. Instructions for completing the table and header will change to provide further clarification about the data being collected. The new header states Year 1 (07/01/18-06/30/19) # OF GRADUATES.

  4. What does the Maintenance of Effort documentation include?

    Attach the Maintenance of Effort (MOE) documentation with the online application.

    MOE is a requirement contained in the authorizing statute or program regulations. It states that to receive federal funds, you must agree to maintain a specified level of financial effort (using a specified baseline period, such as the year prior to the initiation of federal award support) for the grant from your own resources and other non-federal sources.

    Notice of Funding Opportunity indicates you must provide:

    • Baseline aggregate expenditure for the prior fiscal year
    • Estimate for the next fiscal year

    Report non-federal funds, including in-kind, expended for activities proposed in this application. Please indicate if the response is $0.00 in the MOE.

  5. What is the Health Workforce Connector?

    Use the Health Workforce Connector to search for health care jobs in underserved communities across the Nation.

    We encourage you to have program participants complete a profile on the Health Workforce Connector.

  6. What is the National Provider Identifier (NPI) Number?

    NPI is a 10-digit number that identifies you to your health partners including all payers, in all HIPAA standard transactions.

    NPI will replace the identifiers you currently use in HIPAA standard transactions that you conduct with Medicare and other health plans.

    You will need an NPI prior to enrolling with Medicare.

    There are two types of health care providers in terms of NPIs:

    • Type 1 — Health care providers who are individuals, including physicians, dentists, and all sole proprietors. An individual is eligible for only one NPI.
    • Type 2 — Health care providers who are organizations, including physician groups, hospitals, nursing homes, and the corporation formed when an individual incorporates him/herself.

    Regarding the NAT award:

    1. You must have all trainees obtain an NPI number to aid in long-term assessment of the NAT Program’s impact on access and delivery of quality health care services.
    2. You must report the NPI numbers for all individuals participating in the NAT Program.
    3. Trainees who receive HRSA funds from the NAT award must apply for an NPI. The purpose is to collect post-completion employment demographics.

    Resources on the NPI include the following:

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