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  2. FAQ: Community Health Worker Training Program (CHWTP)

FAQ: Community Health Worker Training Program (CHWTP)

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA 22-124

Eligibility, Application Submission, and Accreditation

Application Submission

How do I access the full announcement?

You can access the full announcement on by: 

  • Selecting the “Package” Tab
  • Select “Preview”
  • Select the “Download Instructions” button
When does the CHWTP funding opportunity close?

Submit your CHWTP application by Tuesday, June 14, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. ET

The SF424 R&R Application Packet has a section on human subjects. Is this required for this grant?

No. HRSA-22-124 is a health workforce education and training grant and there are no human subject requirements for this funding.


Are community based organizations (CBO’s) eligible applicants?

Yes. This is open to appropriate public or private non-profit entities such as, but not limited to:

  • Community colleges
  • Community health centers
  • Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs)
  • Community-based organizations
  • Tribal entities that train public and allied health workers
Are federally recognized tribes eligible applicants?

Yes. Tribal entities and tribal specific CHW programs are eligible. HRSA will consider Indian Health Service to be acting as a local government entity for the purposes of this NOFO. If they have approved the CHW or health support worker certificate training program, a letter from Indian Health Service or any other type document you may have that demonstrates approval would be acceptable. Please review Section III.1 on page 9 of the NOFO for complete eligibility information.

Are existing HRSA grantees eligible for this grant?

Yes, provided they are one of the eligible applicant entities in the NOFO. However, multiple applications from one organization are not allowable. Separate organizations are those entities that have unique DUNS number or Unique Entity Identifier (UEI).

For eligible colleges and universities, only one application per campus will be accepted. Multiple applications from a single campus are not allowable. We define a campus as a division of a university that has its own grounds, buildings, and faculty. Where multiple programs from an institution are interested in applying under this funding notice, you may collaborate across programs to submit a single application.

HRSA has several funding opportunities that support the Public Health Workforce (e.g., HRSA-22-117–Rural Public Health Workforce Training Network Program through the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP), HRSA-22-122–Public Health Scholarship Program). To ensure no duplication of funding and efforts, HRSA may choose to support one or more proposals from a single entity only if the activities proposed are demonstrably different and distinct from one another. If not demonstrated, HRSA may choose not to fund the application, and may fund out of rank order.

Applicants must include the Abstract(s) from your HRSA-22-117–Rural Public Health Workforce Training Network Program application and/or HRSA-22-122–Public Health Scholarship Program application as Attachment 10 (if applicable) (does not count against the page limit). HRSA staff will review the Abstracts to ensure no duplication of funding or activities are proposed under this application.

What are the beneficiary eligibility requirements?
  • Eligible trainees are individuals with a minimum of a high school diploma or GED certificate.
  • Trainees receiving support from grant funds must be a citizen of the United States or a foreign national having in his/her possession a visa permitting permanent residence in the United States.
  • Trainees supported by CHWTP receiving financial support, must be enrolled full- or part-time in the school or program receiving the CHWTP grant funding.
  • Trainees/participants in the apprenticeship programs must have first completed CHW or health support worker training prior to enrollment.


Do academic institutions and other entities need to have accreditation to apply?

Applicants must demonstrate that a nation, state, or local authority has approved their certificate training program and apprenticeship program. There are several options for providing this documentation:

  • Health professions schools and academic health center applicants must provide:
    • A copy of their active national accreditation.
  • Certificate training program applicants or partners providing certificate training must provide either:
    • A copy of their accreditation by a nationally recognized accrediting agency, as specified by the U.S. Department of Education
    • Proof of approval by their state or local government to provide a CHW or health support worker certificate training program
  • Apprenticeship sites must submit:
    • A copy of documentation, such as a certificate of approved registration, from the U.S. Department of Labor or a state/local organization.
  • Other applicants such as community-based organizations, community health centers, and FQHCs must provide one or both of the following:
    • Proof of non-profit status
      • Proof of health center accreditation
We are currently in the process of becoming accredited and have a provisional accreditation status, are we still eligible to apply?

Yes. You may apply for this funding opportunity if your program is in the process of becoming accredited or approved.


  • You must include supporting documentation demonstrating that you are in the process of seeking approved or gaining accreditation.
  • Your program must receive accreditation or approval before the date of award.
  • Provisional accreditation or approval must be finalized before the date of award.
The Notice of Funding Opportunity states “All other eligible entities must be accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency, and provide a copy of their active accreditation or active approval from state government as specified by the U.S. Department of Education, or must be approved by the state or local government to provide a CHW, or public health-related health support worker certificate training program.” Can you please clarify the term “all other eligible entities”?

All other eligible entities refers to those entities that will be providing the certificate training portion of the program. This can be the lead applicant or their partner.

As the leading entity (e.g., Health Department) do I have to select an accredited school to conduct the training supported under CHWTP?

Certificate training program applicants must be accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency, as specified by the U.S. Department of Education, or must be approved by the state/local government to provide a CHW or health support worker certificate training program. If the applicant organization provides an accredited or approved CHW or Health Support Worker (HSW) certificate training program, a partnership with another entity for the certificate training portion of the grant program is not required. 

Note: If the applicant organization does not itself provide an accredited or approved CHW or Health Support Worker certificate training program, a partnership with an entity that does provide such services and meets the NOFO criteria is required. 

Experiential Field Placement Training and Apprenticeships

Experiential Field Placement Sites (Pre-Service Training)

We anticipate collaborating with multiple experiential field placement sites. Do we have to list all of the training sites within Attachment 3?

Yes. You must list all of the experiential field placement sites in Attachment 3.

Note: It is not necessary to include the entire contents of lengthy agreements, as attachment 3 is included in the page limit. The documentation must provide the information that relates to the requirements of this NOFO. (NOFO Page 29 Attachment 3 instructions) 

Given the page count, do we need to include MOUs for all training sites we will be using, or should we pick several to highlight? Is there any specific language the MOUs need to include?

MOUs for all training sites need to be included and will go towards the applicant’s page count. It is not necessary to include the entire contents of lengthy agreements, so long as the included document provides the information that relates to the requirements of this NOFO. Provide any documents that describe working relationships between your organization and other entities and programs cited in the proposal. Documents that confirm actual or pending contractual or other agreements should clearly describe the roles of the contractors and any deliverable. 

Note: Please see NOFO Page 29 Attachment 3 instructions and Review Criterion IV. Organizational Information/Resources/Capabilities on page 40 for further guidance. 

Apprenticeships (In-Service Training)

Where can I get assistance in starting an apprenticeship program?

Please review page 51 of the NOFO that provides the following link for partnering with, or becoming a registered apprenticeship program site. More information may be found on A Quick-Start Toolkit: Building Registered Apprenticeship Programs (PDF).

Can I partner with an apprenticeship program and are there resources available to assist with finding a partner?

Yes. Partnerships with apprenticeship programs are allowable. Partnering apprenticeships must be registered with the Department of Labor or a State/local organization. You must submit a memorandum of understanding/memorandum of agreement with the community-based partner and/or educational organization(s) you will be collaborating with for this project in your application as Attachment 3. 

The following resources are available:

  • Refer to the Partner Finder if you are seeking to partner with a Registered Apprenticeship Program Sponsor or Training Provider.
  • Refer to the Partner Finder on the Apprenticeship website to become a Registered Apprenticeship or to partner with one. 
Do I need to submit MOUs with registered apprenticeship sites at the time of application?

Yes. MOUs are required for the registered apprenticeship sites at the time of application. Please see the instructions for Attachment 3 instructions on page 29 of the NOFO.

For the minimum 25% of new trainees that will be placed in apprenticeships– is the goal to place them in apprenticeships once they have finished the core CHW competency trainings, or to place them in apprenticeships from the beginning of the training?

Trainees/participants in the apprenticeship programs must have first completed CHW or health support worker training prior to enrollment. 

What if my state requires Community Health Workers in training to complete the certificate training program and the apprenticeship program concurrently?

There are several different apprenticeship models that exist. Many states require Community Health Worker trainees to complete didactic training simultaneously with the apprenticeship. These models are acceptable, and you will have to be explain that in the application.

We will not have a registered apprenticeship program (RAP) by June 14, 2022 will that affect our eligibility?

No. The RAP is separate from entity eligibility. If you are an eligible applicant entity, you may apply.

Page 10 and page 29 of the NOFO provide guidance for entities that do not have a RAP. You must submit a memorandum of understanding/memorandum of agreement with the community-based partner and/or educational organization(s) you will be collaborating with for this project in your application as Attachment 3. 

Existing Registered apprenticeship sites must submit official documentation (e.g., certificate of approved registration) from the Department of Labor or documentation of State/Local government approval. 

City or County Public Health Departments are forms of local government. You may start a new apprenticeship program as a part of the grant project and must become registered by the Department of Labor or a state/local organization.

Are all trainees required to enroll in the registered apprenticeship program?

No. At least 75% of trainees must be in the new CHW and other health support workers training program, and receive employment opportunity training through field placements. Of these, a minimum of 25%  of the new trainees must be trained through a registered apprenticeship program.

Funding Factors

Funding Preferences

Is there a funding preference for this NOFO?

Yes. This program provides a funding preference for some applicants as authorized by Title VII Section 765(c) of the PHS Act (42 U.S.C. § 295a(c)) which states “The Secretary may grant preference to entities that serve individuals who are from disadvantaged backgrounds (including underrepresented racial and ethnic minorities), and graduate large proportions of individuals who serve in underserved communities.”

To qualify for the funding preference, you must clearly indicate in the Project Abstract the funding preference for which you are applying and provide supporting information and data in Attachment 7.

Applicants are eligible to receive the funding preference if they can provide documentation that over the past two years (2019-2020 and 2020-2021) 50% or more of their program completers/graduates practiced in federally-designated Medically Underserved Areas (MUAs), Medically Underserved Communities, or HPSAs, or served Medically Underserved Populations (MUPs).

Eligibility confirmation can be obtained by using the HRSA Data Warehouse to document the address or addresses used to determine your graduates/program completer’s service in medically underserved communities.

Budget and Grants Management

Does this grant funding provide allowance to assist or defray the costs to pay for health insurance, travel, subsistence, tuition, and fees?

Yes. Trainees may receive trainee support (e.g., travel, supplies, tuition/fees, health insurance, etc.).

Will funds from the CHWTP be dedicated to payment of trainee hourly pay, salary or benefits during the apprenticeship?

Only a proportion of new trainees will be transitioned into apprenticeships. The trainee support is not a salary.

Trainee stipends are meant to help offset cost of living expenses while the individual is in training. Salaries are separate and need to be negotiated with the entity providing the registered apprenticeship as well as any sponsors.

Applicants may consider using a portion of the 40% administrative funds for subawards, which are allowable to support employer hiring costs. You would need to figure out and explain in your application how you will sustain this effort beyond the period of grant funding. 

How much total from the CHWTP funding can a trainee receive?

Expansion or upskilling trainees can receive up to $7,500 each, including stipends for tuition/fees, health insurance, and supplies while in the training program, not to exceed 12 months. Part-time (at least 50% or half-time) may be prorated up to $3,750 per 12 months, not to exceed 24 months.

Apprenticeship trainees may receive a stipend only of up to $7,500 per year for up to 24 months while engaged full-time in on-the-job training to help defray the cost-of living while in training.

Can salaries be counted as “participant/trainee support” and included in the 60%requirement in the budget?

No. Trainee support is not for salaries. Salaries must come from the 40% administrative support.

Funding Restrictions and allowable costs

Are there funding restrictions for the CWHTP?

Yes. You may not use funds under this notice for purposes specified in HRSA’s SF-424 R&R Application Guide. In addition, you may not use funds for the following purposes:

  1. Subsidies or paid release time for project faculty
  2. Payment of temporary personnel replacement costs for the time faculty/ preceptors/participants are away from usual worksite during involvement in project activities
  3. Laboratories
  4. Foreign travel
  5. Accreditation, credentialing, licensing, certification exam/licensing fees, and franchise fees and expenses
  6. Pre-admission costs, including college entrance exam costs
  7. Major Construction and alterations
Can the administrative and management portion of the budget support staff or faculty salaries?

Yes. However, you shall not use the funds appropriated in this title to pay the salary of an individual at a rate in excess of Executive Level II through a grant or other extramural mechanism.

Note: Effective January 2022, the Executive Level II salary increased from $199,300 to $203,700. Note that these or other salary limitations may apply in the following fiscal years, as required by law.

What percentage of the budget pertains to Consultant services?

The consultant costs derives from the 40% annual budget for administrative costs.

Will CHWTP cover the purchase of hardware or software for trainees and grantees as allowable costs?

Yes. The purchase of hardware for participant trainees and grantees are allowable costs. Please note if the hardware or software meets the definition of “supplies” any supply cost for program participants’ use in their training may be allocated out of the participant supply portion. You must allocate out the supply costs for the recipients’ use of the 40% administrative costs. Devices purchased with grant funds are the property of the recipient and must remain with the project.


The NOFO mentions both CHW and health support workers. Does HRSA use these terms interchangeably?

No. These are two different terms. The NOFO defines the two as the following:

Community Health Worker: A member of the community that is not licensed to practice as a fully-qualified health care professional, who works in association with the local health care system as a frontline agent of change, helping to reduce health disparities in underserved communities.

Health Support Worker: A person who provides various health promotion services which meet the needs of a particular recipient or community, to whom a particular aspect of a professional task is delegated but who is not licensed to practice as a fully-qualified health care professional. Health support workers include but are not limited to patient navigators, health care aides, peer support specialists, health education specialists, doulas, and promotores de salud/promotoras.

Is there a minimum number of trainees we are required to train by the CHWTP?

No. HRSA did not designated a specific number of trainees for each grant project supported under the CHWTP. The number of trainees will depend on each individual applicant’s project scope, complexity, and their capacity to successfully implement the program.

Can this NOFO support upskill training in public health competencies for peer support workers and health support workers employed in other health settings?

Yes. You may use a portion of the CHWTP grant funding to provide upskilling training to existing health support workers to become trained Community Health Workers. However, only 25% of trainees may be supported through upskilling.

What is the difference between CHW Trainee expenses and the apprenticeship?

The apprenticeship trainees are eligible for a stipend only while they are in training. The CHW/HSW trainees are eligible for up to $7500, but the applicants can deduct from that tuition, fees, uniforms, supplies etc. and use the remaining amount for stipends. In other words, depending on how much the tuition, fees etc. are, will determine how much remains for student stipends. 

Does the Maintenance of Effort information refer to applicant fiscal years 2021 and 2022 or federal fiscal years?

You can use the applicant’s fiscal year or the federal fiscal year—specify what you use and then use it consistently to report on your project. The prior year amount is actual, and next year is an estimate use of non-federal funds. There is no match requirement for this program.

Can an application have more than one Program Director/Program Investigator?

HRSA only recognizes one Program Director/Program Investigator, who will be accountable to HRSA. However, applicants may identify multiple key personnel in their proposal. The PD/PI must be an employee of the applicant organization.

Are Letters of Support required for this grant application?

Yes. Letters of support are required for CHWTP in Attachment 9. A letter of support much be included for each organization or department included in the network of partnerships. 

Letters of support must be from someone who holds the authority to speak for the organization or department (CEO, Chair, etc.). They must be signed and dated, and must specifically indicate understanding of the project and a commitment to the project, including any resource commitments (in-kind services, dollars, staff, space, equipment, etc.). 

How is a logic model different from work plan?

A logic model is not a work plan, although there similarities. A work plan is an “action” guide with a timeline used during program implementation. The work plan provides the “how to” steps. A logic model is a visual diagram that demonstrates an overview of the relationships between:

  • Resources and inputs
  • Implementation strategies and activities
  • Desired outputs and outcomes in a project

You can find information on how to distinguish between a logic model and workplan. A logic model is required in Attachment 1.

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