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Nurse Education, Practice, Quality and Retention-registered Nurse Training Program (NEPQR-RNTP) Fiscal Year (Fy) 2022 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Frequently Asked Questions

Eligibility and Application Submission


Are health systems with a school of nursing eligible to apply?

Yes. Eligible applicants for the include accredited schools of nursing, health care facilities, including federally qualified health centers or nurse-managed health clinics, or a partnership of such a school and facility.

(Added: 8/16/2022)

Are associate degree nursing programs eligible to apply for this grant program?

Yes. Eligible applicants include accredited schools of nursing, health care facilities, including federally qualified health centers or nurse-managed health clinics, or a partnership of such a school and facility.

(Added: 8/16/2022)

Are graduate degree programs eligible to apply?

Eligible applicants include accredited schools of nursing, however, the intent of this program is to enhance nursing education and practice and strengthen the capacity and skillset of undergraduate nursing students.

(Added: 8/16/2022)

Application Submission

What is the application due date?

The application deadline is August 19, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. ET. We suggest submitting your application to at least three (3) calendar days before the deadline to allow for any unforeseen circumstances.

(Added: 8/16/2022)

Do I use the DUNS or UEI on my application?

When completing the application, it may ask for both the Data Universal Number System (DUNS) and the Unique Entity Identifier (UEI), so please have both available.

(Added: 8/16/2022)

Programmatic Questions

What is the project period for this program?

The project period for the NEPQR-RNTP is three (3) years from September 30, 2022 through September 29, 2025.

(Added: 8/16/2022)

The NOFO states the project must develop and implement innovative training models. What is considered an innovative training model?

The applicant will determine how their proposed training program is innovative and write to that innovation in the application. 

(Added: 8/16/2022)

How is acute care setting defined?

HRSA does not have a definition of acute care. However, this general definition may be used as a reference:

Acute care is a level of health care in which a patient is treated for a brief, but severe episode of illness, for conditions that are the result of disease or trauma, and during recovery from surgery.

(Added: 8/16/2022)

he NOFO states applicants must identify only one Project Director (PD) who must be a licensed registered nurse. Are Co-PDs allowed?

You may not split the PD position between two Co-PDs. You must identify one person as the PD, with the ability to designate a Co-PD as necessary for the proposed project. 

(Added: 8/16/2022)

Budget and Grants Management Questions

Personnel Costs and Salaries

Is faculty overload or release time an allowable cost?

No, faculty release time is not allowable. Compensation for personnel services cover all amounts, including fringe benefits, paid currently or accrued by the organization for employee services rendered to the grant-supported project or program.

Compensation costs are allowable to the extent that they:

  • Are reasonable
  • Conform to the established policy of the organization
  • Consistently applied regardless of the source of funds
  • Reflect no more than the percentage of time actually devoted to the HHS Operating Division (OPDIV) funded project or program

Where restricted by language in the HHS appropriations act, OPDIVs will not reimburse recipients for the direct salaries of individuals at a rate in excess of the level specified. Direct salary is exclusive of fringe benefits and indirect costs. If there is a salary limitation, it does not apply to consultant payments or to contracts for routine goods and services, but it does apply to sub-recipients (including consortium participants).

(Added: 8/16/2022)

Are there any requirements around minimum trainee stipends?

No. The NOFO does NOT restrict the amount of student financial support you may provide to assist individual students.

(Added: 8/16/2022)

Are trainee salaries during the training period allowed and are those calculated in the direct or indirect cost of budget?

Paying of trainee salaries is not allowable under this program. Trainees may receive financial support in the form of stipends and/or scholarships. Those are excluded from indirect costs.

(Added: 8/16/2022)

How can I pay key personnel/other personnel considering the Maintenance of Effort Requirement (MOE)?

If we approve your application, you may use grant funds to pay for personnel using the MOE method as noted in the NOFO.

The MOE as stated in the NOFO is an agreement to maintain non-federal funding for award activities at a level that is not less than expenditures for such activities maintained by the entity for the fiscal year preceding the fiscal year for which the entity receives the award, as required by 42 U.S.C. § 296b (b) (Sec. 803(b) of the PHS Act). Such federal funds are intended to supplement, not supplant, existing non-federal expenditures for such activities. Complete the MOE information and submit as Attachment 6.

(Added: 8/16/2022)

Funding Factors

How do I request funding preference and/or funding priority?

 Include request for funding preference and priority documentation in Attachment 9 and in the project abstract. 

(Added: 8/16/2022)

What is the difference between the funding preference and the funding priority?

A funding priority is the favorable adjustment of combined review scores by a pre-determined number of points for individually approved applications when the applications meet specified criteria outlined in the NOFO.

A funding preference allows an application to be placed in a more competitive position among applications that can be funded.

(Added: 8/16/2022)

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