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Nurse Education, Practice, Quality and Retention-clinical Faculty and Preceptor Academies (NEPQR-CFPA) Program Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Frequently Asked Questions

Eligibility and Application Submission


Who is eligible to receive this award?

Eligible entities are an accredited school of nursing, a health care facility, including Federally Qualified Health Centers or nurse-managed health clinics, or a partnership with a school and facility.

(Added: 8/16/2022)

Can I support multiple regions in one application?

The NEPQR-CFPA will comprise a program that serves all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and the six U.S. Pacific Jurisdictions based on the 10 HHS regions. We will fund up to 10 NEPQR-CFPA, no more than one in each HHS Region—to ensure that the United States and its territories and jurisdictions have access to nursing education and training.

You must select no more than one region to support in your application and you must agree to support the nursing clinical faculty and preceptor workforce education and training needs across the entire region for the full 4-year period of performance.

(Added: 8/16/2022)

Application Submission

How do I apply?

You must apply electronically. We encourage you to apply through using the SF-424 Research and Related (R&R) workspace application package associated with this NOFO following the directions provided on the how to apply for grants page.

(Added: 8/16/2022)

What is the application due date?

The application deadline is August 22, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. ET. We suggest submitting your application to at least three (3) calendar days before the deadline to allow for any unforeseen circumstances.

(Added: 8/16/2022)

Is there a page limit on the biographical sketches for key personnel?

Biographical sketches are required for all key personnel and should be no longer than two (2) pages in length. Biographical sketches are included in the page count.

(Added: 8/16/2022)

Programmatic Questions

Do you expect this to be the only Nurse Education, Practice, Quality and Retention-Clinical Faculty and Preceptor Academies (NEPQR-CFPA) Program held this year? When do you expect the Nursing Workforce Diversity program to be competed again?

The NEPQR-CFPA program grant competitions are based on Congressional appropriations. Guidance for future years is not available at this time. Please check our website as well as for updates on our funding opportunities. 

(Added: 8/16/2022)

Is a planning year allowed with this funding opportunity?

This program does not have a specified planning year. The award recipient is expected to be able to meet the program expectations and requirements that are listed in the NOFO. Award recipients are expected to report progress to goals and objectives both quarterly and annually.

(Added: 8/16/2022)

Does this program support the training of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) or just Registered Nurses (RNs) to become clinical faculty or preceptors?

The NEPQR-CFPA program supports nursing at all degree levels. This includes nurses that are APRNs and RNs that want to become clinical faculty and preceptors.

(Added: 8/16/2022)

Budget and Grants Management Questions

Budget Ceiling Amounts

What is the ceiling amount that can be requested for each year of the award?

You may request up to $1,000,000 per budget period. Each budget period consists of 12-month intervals.

The project period consists of the total time of the approved project. The NEPQR-CFPA project period is four years.

(Added: 8/16/2022)

Is there a cap on the percentage that can be awarded for financial support through this grant?

No. The NOFO does not restrict the amount of student financial support (stipends) that may be provided to clinical faculty and preceptors being trained by the NEPQR-CFPA. Financial support is NOT to pay clinical faculty and preceptor salaries.

(Added: 8/16/2022)

Salary and Personnel Costs

Is paid release time an allowable cost for this program?

Paid release time is administratively authorized time spent away from the employee’s normal job responsibilities to participate in other institution sponsored or sanctioned programs without loss of pay and without charge to paid time off (PTO) leave. Release time is considered work time; therefore, such time is counted when computing overtime. Paid release time is not allowable for this program.

Compensation for personnel services cover all amounts, including fringe benefits, paid currently or accrued by the organization for employee services rendered to the grant-supported project or program.

Compensation costs are allowable to the extent that they:

  • Are reasonable
  • Conform to the established policy of the organization
  • Consistently applied regardless of the source of funds
  • Reflect no more than the percentage of time actually devoted to the HHS Operating Division (OPDIV) funded project or program

Where restricted by language in the HHS appropriations act, OPDIVs will not reimburse recipients for the direct salaries of individuals at a rate in excess of the level specified. Direct salary is exclusive of fringe benefits and indirect costs. If there is a salary limitation, it does not apply to consultant payments or to contracts for routine goods and services, but it does apply to sub-recipients (including consortium participants).

(Added: 8/16/2022)

Does the budget salary support for potential preceptors to be trained under the indirect or direct costs in the budget?

Paying of salaries is not allowable under the NEPQR-CFPA program. Financial support in the form of stipends is allowable to support clinical faculty and preceptors trained through the NEPQR-CFPA. For key personnel and staff of the proposed project, as required by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (P.L. 117-103), “None of the funds appropriated in this title shall be used to pay the salary of an individual, through a grant or other extramural mechanism, at a rate in excess of Executive Level II.” See Section 4.1.iv Budget – Salary Limitation of HRSA’s SF-424 R&R Application Guide (PDF - 640 KB) for additional information. Note that these or other salary limitations may apply in the following fiscal years, as required by law.

Indirect costs under training awards to organizations other than state or local governments, or federally recognized Indian tribes, will be budgeted and reimbursed at 8 percent of modified total direct costs rather than on the basis of a negotiated rate agreement, and are not subject to upward or downward adjustment.

(Added: 8/16/2022)

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