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FAQ: Preventive Medicine Residency Program

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-23-004


  1. Is a Health Center, a Federally Qualified Health Center or a hospital without a residency program an eligible applicant?

    Per the NOFO, eligible applicants are:

    • An accredited school of public health or school of medicine or osteopathic medicine
    • An accredited public or private nonprofit hospital
    • A state, local or tribal health department
    • A consortium of two or more eligible entities as described in items, a, b, or c

    The applicant organization must hold the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) for the preventive medicine residency program and must meet the applicant eligibility requirements of the NOFO.

    View page 5 of the NOFO, Eligible Applicants, for more details.

  2. Are residency programs eligible that have an initial accreditation from ACGME?

    Yes. Preventive medicine residency programs with initial accreditation are eligible.

  3. Are medical schools that only have preliminary accreditation approval eligible for this grant?

    Yes. Accredited medical and osteopathic schools include those with "preliminary" Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) and "initial" Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA) status are eligible.

  4. What documentation do you need to submit for accreditation?

    You must submit as attachment 1, a statement that the applicant organization holds ACGME accreditation and are not under probation.

Eligible Trainee

  1. Can current PGY-2 residents be funded by this grant in their next year (as PGY-3 residents)?


Federally Qualified Health Center(FQHC)

  1. Can the longitudinal training be continuous, or can it be spread out across the training year?

    Full time, same location, for two months continuously (in ONE year; any year) is required.

  2. Do FQHCs have to be a teaching health center (THC) and house other residency programs?

    Only HRSA-funded FQHCs satisfy the requirement for the population health focused rotation at the FQHC. They do not need to be a THC or have other residencies. You may find a HRSA FQHC on the HRSA Data Warehouse, in the Health Center Service Delivery and Look–Alike Sites tab. 

    NOTE: Look-Alikes (“Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Look-Alike”) do not fulfill the longitudinal rotation requirement.

  3. Do safety net hospitals or other types of sites serving low income or medically underserved satisfy the requirement for the two-month longitudinal training?

    Only HRSA-funded FQHCs satisfy the requirement for the population health focused rotation at the FQHC.

  4. Does the FQHC rotation have to be in a rural and/or medically underserved community?

    Yes. The FQHC must be physically located in a rural and/or medically underserved location.

  5. Can the population health FQHC experience be completed remotely?


  6. Are FQHC rotations clinical or non-clinical?

    The FQHC rotations are 100% non-clinical. Please see NOFO Program Objective 1; Program Requirements and Expectation 2 and 3 for details.

  7. Can the FQHC rotation be held towards the end of the second year of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (OEM) training to make sure an OEM rotation at an FQHC is well-established?

    Yes. The NOFO does not specify when the FQHC rotation must occur during the training program.

Preventive Medicine Residency Program

  1. Which preventive medicine specialty residency programs are eligible?

    Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Aerospace Medicine, and Public Health & General Preventive Medicine residencies programs are eligible for this program.

  2. Do residents have to be in place during the first budget year?

    Yes. Residents must be "in place" within the first budget year, which spans the period from May 1, 2023 through April 30, 2024.

  3. Can the scholarly research project at the FQHC be a subset of the Occupational and Environmental Medicine (OEM) residency research project?

    Yes. The NOFO requires that: "residents conduct scholarly research projects on factors affecting the health of the population served by the FQHC rotation."  The NOFO does not further specify how the project must be organized.


  1. Can we use funds for a PGY-1 year (i.e., intern; prior to the PGY2-3 preventive medicine years)?

    No. Funds cannot be used for the PGY-1 (intern) year.

  2. What non-stipend trainee expenses can be paid for with HRSA funds: Full fringe? Medical/dental? MPH tuition? FQHC housing?

    Grant funds may not be used to pay fringe benefits for trainees receiving stipend support, except for health insurance. Liability insurance, unemployment insurance, life insurance, taxes, fees, retirement plans, or other fringe benefits as classified by the institution for trainees are not allowable costs.

  3. What does it mean that resident costs must be obligated at the start of the training year?

    See NOFO page 18: Resident costs are to be obligated at the start of an individual resident’s training year.

    Example: A resident that starts, on July 1, in the middle of an annual budget period, must have the full 2 years of trainee costs obligated at that time.

Standardized Work Plan (SWP)

  1. Can applicants add another goal to the two Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) goals?

    No. The NOFO states on page 11: “The program goals for this NOFO must be entered in the Program Goals section of the SWP form. For example, Goal 1 in the Purpose section of the NOFO will need to be entered as Goal 1 in the SWP form.”

  2. Do the objectives in the SWP have to be the same as those of the NOFO?

    No. The NOFO states on page 11: "Objectives and sub-objectives can be tailored to your project needs."

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