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Preventive Medicine Residency (PMR) Program

The goals of the Preventive Medicine Residency (PMR) Program:

  • Increase the number of preventive medicine physicians.
  • Promote greater access to population-based health care.

Am I eligible?

When funding is available, you can apply if you are*:

  • An accredited school of public health, medicine, or osteopathic medicine
  • An accredited public or private nonprofit hospital
  • A state, local, or tribal health department

How do I apply?

When funding is available, you apply via Read the most recent PMR Program funding notice.

What's the impact of PMR grantees?

PMR Outcomes – Academic Years 2014-2019 (PDF - 138 KB)

How can I contact you?

Email Richard Stahlhut

Call: 301-287-0058

* Note: Always read the notice of funding opportunity for full eligibility requirements.

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