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FAQs: Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education (THCGME) Program

Funding Opportunity Numbers: HRSA-25-077

Application process

Which Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) should new residency programs apply to?

Eligible entities with newly accredited eligible primary care residency programs for residents who started in Academic Year (AY) 2024-2025 should apply for HRSA-25-091.

Eligible entities with eligible primary residency programs for residents in AY 2025-2026 should apply for HRSA-25-077. Note: Your residency program should be accredited or in the process of achieving accreditation by the NOFO deadline. If selected, you must provide accreditation documentation by the start of the period of performance.

Will I be able to receive funding from both THCGME funding notices?

New applicants may request THCGME support for resident Full-time Equivalents (FTEs) if the requested resident FTEs are not supported by other funding sources by the period of performance start date (HRSA-25-091 November 1, 2024, and HRSA-25-077 July 1, 2025).

Both notices are for multiyear funding. If you are funded under HRSA-25-091, you will be funded beginning AY 24-25, and you do not need to then apply for AY 25-26 funding. The period of performance for HRSA-25-091 is from November 1, 2024, to June 30, 2029. If you are funded under HRSA-25-077, you will be funded beginning AY 25-26, and will not need to apply for AY 26-27 funding. The period of performance for HRSA-25-077 is from July 1, 2025, to June 30, 2029.


Who is eligible for this NOFO?

Community-based ambulatory patient care centers that operate an accredited primary care residency program or have formed a Graduate Medical Education (GME) consortium that operates an accredited primary care residency program are eligible. Hospitals and academic institutions are not eligible to apply.

What makes a Graduate Medical Education (GME) consortium eligible for these NOFOs?

A community-based ambulatory patient care center may form a GME consortium with partners (for example, academic health centers, universities and/or medical schools, teaching hospitals, and critical access hospitals) where the GME consortium serves as the institutional sponsor of an accredited primary care residency program.

The relationship between the community-based ambulatory patient care center and the consortium must be legally binding, and the agreement establishing the relationship must describe the roles and responsibilities of each entity.

What is the role of each partner within the GME consortium?

Within the consortium, the community-based ambulatory patient care center is expected to play an integral role in the academic, financial, and administrative operations of the residency.

Teaching hospitals and academic institutions can be part of a GME consortium to assist with academic and administrative responsibilities (see NOFO pgs. 4-5 for full details).

Priorities and preference clarifications

What information is required to receive priority points?

The THCGME Program has three funding priorities. You may apply and receive priority points under multiple priorities. All information submitted by applicants is subject to review. Please see NOFO pages 34-35 for more information. Note: Qualifying for a funding priority does not guarantee that your application will be successful.

Program-specific questions

What is the work plan requirement for this application?

The work plan should be a written document that you provide. It is not a standard form available on It is the fourth section heading under Project Narrative. The Project Narrative section starts on page 15. You will describe all aspects of your project under this section. Use the section headers and the order in which they appear.

Does the "Resident FTE Request Justification" narrative replace the typical HRSA/SF-424 R&R budget narrative?

No. You must submit the Resident FTE Request Justification for the number of resident FTEs. The number of resident FTEs requested will determine your THCGME funding amount. You must also provide a justification for the number of resident FTEs you are requesting. The THCGME Program is a formula-based payment program that does not require submission of a formal budget. See NOFO page 20 for full details.

Your application package contains a required R&R Budget Form. To complete the form, input zeros in blocks A-K. Use block L. Budget Justification. Attach the Resident FTE Request Justification to the SF- 424 R&R Budget Form. See page 25 for full details.

Selection process

When will we be notified of selection/receipt of the grant for HRSA-25-077 and HRSA-25-091?

HRSA-25-091 - HRSA will notify the residency programs of their selection by the start of the period of performance, November 1, 2024. We will send programs an approval letter, detailing how many FTEs they were approved for. We will issue Notice of Awards on or around the period of performance start date.

HRSA-25-077 - HRSA will notify the residency programs of their selection with an approval letter in 2024. The letter will include information on how many FTEs they are approved for to give them time to prepare for entering the match. Prior to the project period start date of July 1, 2025, additional verification will be needed. Funding for these FTE slots will depend on Congressional appropriations. We will issue Notice of Awards on or around the period of performance start date.

Specific funding

Are other funding sources allowable if receiving THCGME payments?

Yes. Other sources of non-federal funding, such as state funding, grants, endowments, and other private funding may be allowable but must not overlap with THCGME-funded activities. THCGME programs must not claim the same time and/or activities for reimbursement. Funding should not co-mingle or be duplicative.

How do other federal GME Payment Programs affect THCGME Payments?

See page 48 of the NOFO to learn more about the relationship between THCGME Program funding and GME payments made by Medicare and the CHGME program.

How will THCGME-affiliated teaching hospital payments affect THCGME payments?

A THCGME payment and a Medicare GME and/or CHGME payment cannot be made for the same FTE resident. This provision solely applies to direct GME (DGME) payments, as THCGME grant funding does not duplicate indirect medical education payments that a hospital may get to cover higher patient care expenses.

For the THCGME grantee to retain GME payments received under their respective programs, the THC residents should rotate at a THCGME-affiliated teaching hospital where the hospital will not receive direct GME (DGME) payments for their rotation time. If a THCGME-affiliated teaching hospital receives Medicare and/or CHGME payment for a THCGME FTE resident’s rotation time, the THCGME payment to the grantee will be reduced for that time.

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