Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA–25-070
Program requirements
Program-specific forms
Are students in the Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.), Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), and in the Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia (D.N.A.P.) programs eligible to receive Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP) support?
Yes. Eligible nursing degree programs include advanced education master's and doctoral (Post-Ph.D., D.N.P.) nursing degree programs. The Ed.D. in Nursing Education, the Doctorate of Nurse Anesthesia Practice (D.N.A.P.), and the Doctor of Anesthesia Practice (Dr.A.P.) are also eligible for NFLP funding. Additionally, Students enrolled in post-master's nursing certificate programs and Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) programs are eligible for NFLP funding. For students enrolled in bridge programs such as, Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) to D.N.P., or B.S.N. to Ph.D., NFLP loan support starts upon completion of the B.S.N. degree and commencement of the graduate level nursing program.
My post doctorate certificate program is offered through a regionally accredited university and approved to offer both professional and research degrees. Is this type of accreditation eligible for NFLP loan support?
Yes. The Ph.D. and post doctorate certificate programs must have appropriate approvals recognized by the institutional boards and committees, regional associations of higher education accreditation, for example, Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, and the University's provost office. Applicants must submit an official letter of approval for all doctoral programs included in the project.
Are individuals eligible to apply for the NFLP grant?
No. Individuals are not eligible to apply for this grant. The Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP) is a grant awarded to schools (not to individuals) who then make loans to graduate level nursing students preparing to become nurse faculty upon graduation. Eligible applicants must be domestic accredited schools of nursing with advanced nursing education programs. Any school(s) of nursing must be accredited at the time of the application and for the duration of the award, by a recognized body or bodies, or a state agency approved by the Secretary of Education for nurse education accreditation. Tribes and tribal organizations may be eligible if they own and operate accredited schools of nursing with an advanced nursing program.
What are the eligibility requirements for students receiving NFLP support?
A beneficiary receiving support from grant funds under this program must:
- Be a citizen, non-citizen national of the United States, an individual lawfully admitted for permanent residence to the United States, or any other "qualified alien"
- Be enrolled in either advanced nursing education program or post-master's nursing certificate or Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) programs
- Maintain an acceptable level of academic standing (as determined by the academic institution)
Program requirements
Is the awarded institution required to provide an Institutional Capital Contribution?
Yes. The Institutional Capital Contribution (ICC) is a legislative requirement for the Nurse Faculty Loan Program. If awarded, institutions are required to contribute an ICC that is equal to, not less than one-ninth of the Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) Federal award amount received, referred to as the Federal Capital Contribution (FCC). Awardees will need to draw down the full FY25 NFLP award amount from the Payment Management System (PMS) within sixty days of receipt of the award and deposit the funds into an interest-bearing, student loan fund account.
Institutions must conduct all loan activities through the student loan fund account which must contain the following:
- Federal Capital Contribution (FCC) loan dollars awarded
- Institutional Capital Contribution (ICC) matching amount (equal to not less than one-ninth of the FCC)
- Proceeds from the collections of principal and interest (repayment) on NFLP loans made from the fund
- Any other earnings on the loan fund such as interest borne on the account
Should the Project Director be a nurse?
Yes. The Project Director for NFLP must have at a minimum an advanced education preparation with a master's or doctoral level degree. HRSA encourages applicants to select Project Directors who are nursing educators and nursing education administrators with demonstrated competence, appropriate academic preparation, experience as an educator, and administrative expertise (including but not limited to fiduciary oversight of loan funds, preparation and submission of the Annual Performance Reports).
NOTE: If the Project Director is not a nurse educator or administrator, then they must have direct affiliation with the nursing education unit at the institution. There may only be one Project Director for the NFLP project.
Can NFLP funds be used to cover the payroll or salary of the Project Director?
No. NFLP funds cannot be used to cover the payroll or salaries of project directors. NFLP loan support is only made to eligible students to cover the cost of tuition, fees, books, lab expenses, and other reasonable education expenses (including student nurse educator development activities) for the duration of their course of study. NFLP funds may only be used for loan support with the exception of covering the costs of collection of loaned principal and accrued interest or penalty, and cost of student nurse educator development activities as reasonable expenses.
What is the requirement for a nursing student receiving NFLP support to qualify for loan cancellation post-graduation?
The graduated student from the advanced nursing education program will need to obtain full-time employment as nurse faculty within 12 months following graduation. Full-time employment refers to the status of a student borrower who has graduated and is employed and serving in a nurse faculty capacity that qualifies for loan cancellation. For the purpose of the NFLP, the institution which provided NFLP support to a borrower makes the determination about meeting the full-time employment requirement.
This must include one of the following criteria:
- Employment as a full-time faculty member at an accredited school of nursing
- Employment as a part-time faculty member at an accredited school of nursing in combination with another part-time faculty position or part-time clinical preceptor/educator position affiliated with an accredited school of nursing that together equates to full-time employment
- Designation of nurse faculty in a joint nurse faculty appointment serving as full-time advanced practice registered nurse preceptor for an accredited school of nursing, within an academic-practice partnership framework
Do students in the B.S.N. to Ph.D. program qualify for funds?
Yes. Students enrolled in a B.S.N. to Ph.D. nursing program are eligible for NFLP support only when they become enrolled in the graduate-level portion of the program.
Does the NFLP require the student to be enrolled full-time or part-time?
Yes. Students who receive a NFLP loan must be enrolled full-time or part-time in an eligible master's, doctoral or post-master's education certificate program. The school will define the minimum for "full-time" or "part-time" status for the program as recorded by the Registrar's office.
How do I apply for the NFLP grant?
Applicants are required to apply electronically through Applicants will use the SF-424 R&R Application Guide that is accessible at
My school received NFLP funding in the past. What type of application should I submit?
Schools that received NFLP funding in past years must indicate "Continuation" as the type of application when completing the SF-424 R&R form in, regardless of whether the school recently applied for and received funding in recent years.
Schools of nursing that have never received NFLP funding must indicate "New" as the type of application when completing the SF-424 R&R form in
Can schools of nursing under the same umbrella school apply together?
No. Applicants can submit only one application per campus. A campus is defined as a division of a university that has the same name yet has a separate UEI and is separate with its own grounds, buildings (for example, school of nursing), and faculty. Multiple applications from an organization are not allowed. An organization is an entity with its own Unique Entity Identifier (UEI).
Are current participants required to apply annually?
Yes. NFLP funds are awarded for a one-year project period. Therefore, applicants should apply for NFLP funds annually and only when funds (or in the case of competing continuations, additional funds) are needed to provide loan support to students.
We are a current NFLP grantee and still have funds remaining. Is there a threshold for submitting for additional funding?
No. Returned applicants will need to determine a process to identify the amount of funding they will need to support their continuing and new APRN students receiving NFLP support. If the unused NFLP fund balance (remaining) is less than the amount needed to support the total number of projected student borrowers, NFLP would encourage the applicant to consider applying for additional funds under this grant opportunity. Please note, NFLP funds will be distributed among entities as formula-based awards according to data supplied in your application.
Are there any funding priorities for the NFLP program?
Under the NFLP, a funding priority will be applied in determining the funding for approved applications that support doctoral nursing students. A funding priority is defined as a favorable adjustment of the formula that determines the amount of the grant award.
What should be included in the "Maintenance of Effort" section of the application?
The Maintenance of Effort amount is calculated as the 1/9th of the Federal Capital Contribution (FCC) award being requested through the current application. For FY24 expenditures (actual), applicants that are "NEW" or did not receive an award in FY24 should indicate $0 and FY24 award recipients should indicate the school's actual institutional contribution. For the 2025 non-Federal expenditures, new applicants and previous recipients should indicate the estimated 2025 institutional contribution based of the Federal funds requested in your application.
Are Continuing Applicants required to include a Corrective Action Plan (CAP)?
No. Continuing Applicants are ONLY required to submit a CAP for a Loan Default Rate (DR) > 5% as noted in their latest Annual Performance Report (NFLP 3 Form). New Applicants and Continuing Applicants with a DR < 5% are not required to submit a CAP.
Are NFLP recipients currently employed as Nurse Faculty credited for the service obligation while attending school?
No. NFLP student borrowers cannot fulfill their service obligation prior to graduation from the degree program. There is no "credit" for employment as nurse faculty while attending school.
How can we retrieve our default rates?
The NFLP default rate is calculated from data submitted by the school when schools submit the annual performance report. If a school is applying as a competing continuation, the school can review their most recent annual performance report, form NFLP 3, Section H for the default rate that was automatically calculated based on data that the school supplied in their annual performance report.
What are examples of collaborative partnerships?
Applicants are expected to establish and describe the capacity that the school is willing to undertake in supporting students with obtaining employment. Applicants should provide evidence of planned and existing collaborative, academic-to-academic partnerships, and activities with entities that employ nurse faculty aimed at increasing networking and employment opportunities for NFLP student borrowers. If an academic-to-academic partnership has already been established, applicants must include a memorandum of understanding, or documentation signed by participating entities acknowledging the partnership.
Examples of employment partnerships may include:
- Faculty mentoring opportunities
- Campus-based career resources that offer connections to employment agencies or services
- Required attendance at national nursing conferences
- Internal activities within the school
- Collaborative academic-to-academic partnerships and activities with external entities
Can you explain the academic partnerships request and if these are essential?
The partnerships are aimed to increase networking and employment opportunities for NFLP student borrowers. Academic and Academic Practice Partnerships are not required, however they are highly encouraged. The Statement of Collaborative Academic/Academic- Practice Partnership is only required for applicants who plan to enter into such partnerships.
Program-specific forms
How can I enter tuition information for two different APRN roles?
If your institution has more than one tuition, you must enter the average amount for one term with fees or expenses based on the required full-time credit hours. You must ensure that the amount entered will be adequate to cover the cost for all of your student borrowers.
How do I enter enrollees that are not listed in Table E.4, NFLP Enrollees by Practice?
For any Nurse Practice Specialty not listed under Table E.4, you can use the "other" row to report on your NFLP Enrollees by Degree and Specialty.
Can I distribute unused funds in my institution's NFLP loan fund account for the following year?
Yes. However, schools should attempt to use the loan funds during the current academic period. Schools are permitted to retain unused (not disbursed) NFLP funds in the institutional loan fund account without fiscal year restriction for making additional loans in future academic periods.
Are we required to submit a page that says "Not Applicable" if the attachment does not apply?
No. You should NOT include information that is not applicable. Do not submit a blank page or a page that states "Not Applicable". Submission of blank pages may put your application at risk of exceeding the 50-page limit.
Are schools required to submit a copy of the agreement confirming the NFLP graduate's eligibility for full-time employment and cancellation?
Yes. This designation should be formally recorded in an agreement that identifies the individual as nurse faculty.
It is the responsibility of institutions to establish a loan cancellation process for NFLP borrowers, to include:
- Certification of Employment (sample form EXHIBIT D)
- Request for Postponement of Installment Payments (sample form EXHIBIT G)
- Request for Partial Loan Cancellation (sample form EXHIBIT E)
An applicant requested $500,000 in Federal Capital Contribution Funds (FCC) for next year. Should we enter the full requested amount of $500,000 in Section C. Federal Funds Requested if we estimate we will have $80,000 entered in Section D.1 NFLP Loan Fund Balance/Unused Accumulation as of June 30, 2026?
Yes. Applicants should enter the full requested amount under Part 2: Funding Information, Section C. Federal Funds Requested field. Current grantees who are reapplying must provide information for all students they are planning to support in academic year 2025-2026 with both the new requested amount and any remaining loan fund balance in Part 3: Sections E.1, E.2, and E.4.
What dates are required for reporting graduates and graduates employed as nurse faculty under Section 3 of the Specific Data Form?
When completing the NFLP Specific Data Form, applicants must first select the current fiscal year date of 2025 at the top of the form under Part 1. After selecting the current fiscal year date, the dates will Auto-populate on the form for Part 3: Sections E.1, E.2, and E.3. Do not skip ahead.
How do we determine our student’s part-time enrollment?
The determination of part-time or full-time enrollment status is based on institutional policies. The school makes the decision about what constitutes part-time or full-time enrollment status, including semester sequence. Note that the system calculates part-time tuition as at least half of the full-time amount.