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  3. Opioid-Impacted Family Support Program (OIFSP)

Opioid-Impacted Family Support Program (OIFSP)

The OIFSP program supports paraprofessionals to work with families affected by opioids and other substance use disorders.

Am I eligible to apply?

When funding is available, you can apply if you are*:

  • State-licensed mental health nonprofit and for-profit organizations
  • Academic institutions (universities, community colleges and technical schools)
  • Domestic faith-based and community-based organizations
  • Tribes and tribal organizations

How do I apply?

When funding is available, you apply via

Who received recent awards?

  • In 2024, 32 grantees recieved over $15 million for the OIFSP program.
  • In 2019, 28 grantees received a combined total of $12.5 million for the OIFSP program. These awards are part HHS's ongoing initiative to combat the opioid crisis.

How can I contact you?

Email Andrea Knox

Call: (301) 443-4170

* Note: Always read the notice of funding opportunity for full eligibility requirements.

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