HRSA-25-078 - Primary Care Training and Enhancement (PCTE): Residency Training in Street Medicine (RTSM)
Now open
All our PCTE programs provide medical education for physicians and physician assistants.
Use our PCTE Grantee Evaluation Resources. They’ll help you develop an evaluation framework.
These training materials focus on readiness for interdisciplinary care, and health care access, quality, and cost.
The program trains and supports primary care physicians to provide maternal and obstetrical healthcare.
Am I eligible?
You are eligible* if you are:
- Public institutions of higher education.
- Private nonprofit institutions of higher education.
- Nonprofits with or without a 501(c)(3) IRS status.
How do I apply?
When funding is available, you apply at Read the most recent PCTE-RTSM NOFO.
How can I contact you?
Phone: 301-945-3336
*Note: Always read the notice of funding opportunity for full eligibility requirements.
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