Reach your audience through social media
Post these messages to your social media accounts to help increase awareness about BHW programs to all your followers. You can also retweet or share any of the posts from our social media accounts.
How to use:
- Copy and paste these posts to your social media channels.
- Edit the posts to tailor the messages as needed for your platforms and audience.
- Include one of the following social media shareable graphics.
Substance use disorder treatment and recovery loan repayment program
Facebook & LinkedIn Posts
- Did you know? HRSA is now accepting applications for the #SubstanceUseDisorder Treatment and Recovery loan repayment program (STAR LRP)! Learn more and apply:
- Substance Use Disorder treatment clinicians – You could receive up to $250K to help pay for your student loans through HRSA’s #SubstanceUseDisorder Treatment and Recovery Loan Repayment Program (STAR LRP). Apply now:
- Got a question about the #SubstanceUseDisorder Treatment and Recovery Loan Repayment Program? Attend the Q&A Sessions held every Thursday in June.
Twitter Posts
- SUD treatment providers – receive help with your student loans. HRSA’s #SubstanceUseDisorder #LoanRepayment programs can provide eligible behavioral health providers up to $250,000 in assistance. Apply now!
- Substance Use Disorder clinicians and health support workers: Still have student loans? Apply for #LoanRepayment with HRSA, now accepting applications for the STAR loan repayment program!
- Got a question about the STAR Loan Repayment Program? Attend the Q&A Sessions on held every Thursday in June.
Social media shareable graphics
How to use:
Click any image to download a high-resolution version to your computer, then insert them into presentations, post on your social media accounts, or send in an email.
Related resources
Shareable downloads
How to use: Link to these PDFs in your to marketing communications materials such as electronic newsletters and web pages.
- STAR LRP Fact Sheet (PDF - 189 KB)
- STAR LRP Application and Program Guidance (PDF - 514 KB)
- Compare our loan repayment programs (PDF - 2 MB)
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