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  2. Advanced Nursing Education – Nurse Practitioner Residency (ANE-NPR)

Advanced Nursing Education – Nurse Practitioner Residency (ANE-NPR)

We support programs that prepare new nurse practitioners (NPs) for primary care practice in community-based settings. We prefer projects that benefit rural or other high-need groups of people.

Am I eligible?

You are eligible*, if you are

  • A school of nursing
  • A nurse managed health clinic/center
  • An academic health center
  • A state or local government
  • A private or public nonprofit entity that the Secretary deems appropriate

How do I apply?

When funding is available, you apply via

Technical Assistance

FAQs for Prospective and Current Grantees

Who received recent ANE-NPR awards?

In June 2019, we awarded 36 grants to entities in 24 states.

How can I contact you?

Email Debbie Parchen

Call: 301-443-2597

* Note: Always read the notice of funding opportunity for full eligibility requirements.

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