Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-20-110
Eligibility and Application Submission
Budget and Grants Management Questions
Eligibility and Application Submission
Is application eligibility limited to programs with national accreditation or is approval from our state Board of Nursing sufficient?
Eligible applicants include:
- Accredited schools of nursing
- Health care facilities
- Partnership of such a school and facility
Schools of nursing affiliated with the proposed project must be accredited by a recognized body or bodies or by a State agency approved for such purpose by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education.
Are two-year Associate Degree nursing programs eligible to apply? Or is this program only for bachelor’s degree nursing programs?
There is no restrictions on eligibility at the degree conferring level.
Eligible applicants include:
- Accredited schools of nursing
- Health care facilities
- Partnership of such a school and facility
Page Limit
Is there an individual page limit to the narrative section of an application?
There is no page limit for the narrative section of the application.
However, the narrative is included in the total page limit of 70 pages.
Visit the SF-424 R&R Application Guide for application page limit information.
Application Requirements
Our organization is a Public/State Controlled Institution of Higher Education and the NOFO is not clear about including proof of non-profit status. Should our proof of non-profit status be included as part of Attachment 9: Other Relevant Documents?
Proof of non-profit status is not a requirement under this NOFO.
As with lead applicant, are sub recipients required to have active SAM and DUNS numbers at the time of submission?
Yes, Sub-recipients are required to have an active System for Award Management (SAM) and Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number.
New applicants are able to submit an application without a valid SAM registration.
Visit the HRSA COVID-19 website for more information.
Programmatic Questions
Project Personnel
Is there an education requirement for the individual hired for the academic nursing faculty/coordinator position?
There is no education requirement. The only requirement for the academic nursing faculty/coordinator position is that it must be a full-time position.
Does the full-time academic nursing faculty/coordinator have to be a faculty member or can the individual be a staff member?
The academic nursing faculty/coordinator can either a faculty member or staff member.
Does the full-time academic nursing faculty/coordinator role have to be designated to one individual or can the position be divided between two individuals working part-time to equal full-time?
One full-time individual must fulfill the role of the academic nursing faculty/coordinator
Do interprofessional collaborative agreements have to be currently established or can they be established as part of this project?
Any academic, practice, and community partnerships may be established or enhanced with the funding of this program.
The applicant should provide any documents that describe working relationships between the applicant organization and other entities and programs cited in the proposal.
Do you have to use the same site for longitudinal clinical training for the duration of program or are different locations allowable?
There is no requirement related to the duration or number of longitudinal clinical training sites.
Public Health Nursing Competencies
Is there a specific list of the Public Health Nursing Competencies or do they include high burden of stroke, heart disease, behavioral and mental health, maternal mortality, HIV/AIDS and or obesity?
High burden of stroke, heart disease, behavioral and mental health, maternal mortality, HIV/AIDS, and/or obesity are diseases and conditions that affect public health but are not inclusive of all public health competencies.
Public Health Nursing Competency information can be found within the following sites:
- National Council of State Boards of Nursing National Simulation Guidelines for Pre-licensure Nursing Programs
- International Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning Simulation Standards
- Quad Council Coalition Public Health Competencies (PDF - 667 KB)
Additional information can be found in section IX. Tips for Writing a Strong Application in the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).
Budget and Grants Management Questions
Direct and Indirect Costs
Our organization has an active Indirect Cost Rate Agreement but it is not clear from the NOFO if the agreement should be included as an attachment. If a copy of the agreement should be included, would it be included as part of Attachment 9: Other Relevant Documents?
Indirect costs under training awards to organizations other than state, local or Indian tribal governments will be budgeted and reimbursed at 8 percent of modified total direct costs rather than based on a negotiated rate agreement, and are not subject to upward or downward adjustment.
Note: Direct cost amounts for equipment, tuition and fees, and sub-awards and subcontracts in excess of $25,000 are excluded from the direct cost base for purposes of this calculation.
Equipment and capital expenditures, tuition, fees, and sub-grants and subcontracts in excess of $25,000 are excluded from the direct cost base for purposes of this calculation. Is the $25,000 for each year of the grant or the total for two years?
The $25,000 for this calculation is over the total years of the project. Please see the NOFO for more details.
Allowable Costs
Is the allocation of funds for standardized patients allowable?
Yes, allocating funds to support standardized patients is an allowable cost under this program.
Can salary and benefits for the full-time academic nursing faculty/coordinator be included in the proposed grant budget?
Yes, salary and fringe can be included in the personnel budget and articulated in the budget justification narrative.
Is there a cap on budget for audiovisual equipment used in simulation?
There is no cap on funds allocated for equipment. However, costs must be reasonable and purchased for the best comparative price available.
If simulation development requires help from an outside entity, is this considered a subcontract that cannot exceed $25,000?
There is no limit on the contractual value for a contract or subaward needed within your budget. The $25,000 is cap related to the indirect cost only.
Is construction of a non-load bearing wall an allowable Alteration & Renovation?
This program allows for the budgeting of equipment in support of project simulation activities, including related minor Alteration and Renovation (A&R).
Minor A&R may not include a structural change (e.g., to the foundation, roof, floor, or exterior or load-bearing walls of a facility, or extension of an existing facility). Please refer to NOFO for further details.
Preferences and Priorities
Clinical Priorities
May we address more than one of the clinical priorities?
Applicants are encouraged to select and address one of the HHS and HRSA clinical priorities, as applicable to the proposed project.
Funding Factors
Do we need to apply for both the funding priority and funding preference in attachment 7, or is the funding priority calculated by HRSA?
Applicants may request to receive any of the funding priorities or preferences noted in the NOFO. Applicants must submit supportive documentation.
HRSA staff will determine the funding factor and will grant it to any qualified applicant that demonstrates they meet the criteria for the priority and or preference.
How is "high" defined for the "high burden" priority points? What is the cutoff?
Applicants must submit supportive documentation to meet the priority. If it is determined that the qualified applicant meets the criteria for the priority, HRSA staff will adjust the score by a set, pre-determined number of points.