Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-23-090
- Eligibility
- Program Requirements
- Training Program
- Budget
- Application Formatting
- Funding Priority
- Collaborations and Partnerships
- Is a tertiary hospital an eligible entity if it operates a rural health clinic?
No. The rural health clinic would be the eligible entity.
- Are behavioral health centers or substance use disorder treatment facilities eligible entities?
Eligible entities for this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) are:
- Teaching health centers
- Federally qualified health centers
- Community mental health centers
- Rural health clinics
- Health centers operated by the Indian Health Service, Indian tribes, tribal organizations, or urban Indian organizations (as defined in section 4 of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act)
- Entities with a demonstrated record of success in providing training for nurse practitioners, physician assistants, health service psychologists, counselors, nurses and/or social workers (including individuals completing clinical training requirements for licensure) including entities that serve pediatric populations
- Are small rural health clinics an eligible entity for this funding opportunity?
A Rural Health Clinic (as defined in section 1861(aa) of the Social Security Act) is an eligible entity.
- Are schools and colleges with physician assistant, nurse practitioner, clinical psychology, and other health professions programs an eligible entity?
Yes. Entities that demonstrate a record of success in providing training for nurse practitioners, physician assistants, health service psychologists, counselors, nurses and/or social workers are eligible. The program is not for students pursuing a degree. It is for practicing professionals who are seeking a certificate post degree or practicing professionals who are seeking training and supervision for licensure. The program must be 12 months full-time or 24 months part-time.
- Is an undergraduate health profession (i.e., a Bachelor of Nursing program) an eligible entity?
No. The program is for practicing professionals who are seeking a certificate post degree.
- Would a training program on behavioral health integration - which trains on mental health and substance use disorder treatment - meet the qualifications of this funding opportunity?
Yes. If the applicant organization is eligible and trains nurse practitioners, physician assistants, health service psychologists, counselors, nurses, and/or social workers, and operates a training program for 12 months full-time or 24 months part-time.
Program Requirements
- Can Federally Qualified Health Centers who have an accredited training program for psychologists also train the other disciplines listed in the Notice of Funding Opportunity?
The ISTP program is for post degree practicing professionals and not for students and interns completing their degree requirements. The health center may train any practicing professionals who are nurse practitioners, physician assistants, health service psychologists, counselors, nurses, and/or social workers, provided it operates a training program for 12 months full-time or 24 months part-time.
Note: Eligible psychologists’ participants are PhD level health service psychologists.
- Would Nurse Practitioners in a Residency program qualify as participants?
No. Nurse Practitioners training in a residency program do not qualify as participants.
- Are participants needing to complete clinical hours under supervision for licensure eligible to participate in a program funded under this Notice of Funding Opportunity?
- Are licensed Registered Nurses who are enrolled in a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program to become certified as a Nurse Practitioner eligible?
No. Students in an MSN program are not eligible to participate.
Training Program
- Are practicing professionals employed by the eligible entity required to continue to work while in the program?
It is up to the funded applicant organization to determine how their 12 months full-time or 24 months part-time training program operates. For example, experiential training experience could be obtained by the practicing professional in the workplace.
- Does the training program have to include all the disciplines (nurse practitioners, physician assistants, health service psychologists, counselors, nurses, and/or social workers) listed in the Notice of Funding Opportunity?
- Can a health center train some of its own staff as part of the program, or do participants have to be non-employees?
A health center can train their employees as well as non-employees.
- What percentage of the trainees' time must be focused on substance use training?
There is no required percentage, however, the program should be designed to foster robust clinical training and augment expertise among clinicians who will see patients at access points of care and provide mental health and addiction prevention, treatment, and recovery.
- Can grant funds be used to cover the same participant for a second year?
No. The training program must be completed in 12 months if full-time or 24 months if part-time.
- Are stipends an allowable cost under this NOFO?
- Are trainee salaries/benefits allowable costs?
No. Trainee salaries are not an allowable cost under this NOFO. However, participant/trainee support costs are allowable and may include:
- Tuition
- Fees
- Health insurance
- Travel
- Subsistence
- Other
- Are scholarships an allowable cost for trainees under this NOFO?
- For the Project Director, can more than 20% effort be dedicated?
Yes. The Project Director can dedicate more than 20% effort (may be in-kind or funded) to grant activities.
- Can preceptors or mentors receive reimbursement or honorariums?
Preceptors may receive a salary and benefits for training participants. Honorariums are not an allowable cost under this NOFO.
- Can budget years 2-5 exceed budget year one?
No. The budget request for each year of the period of performance cannot exceed the year one request.
- Are salaries of nurse practitioner residents or fellows under this grant an allowable cost?
No. Salaries of residents or fellows are not an allowable cost under this NOFO. However, participant/trainee support costs (i.e., practitioners being trained who are not employees of the recipient organization) may include:
- Tuition
- Fees
- Health insurance
- Travel
- Subsistence
- Other
- Can the faculty be paid with grant funds?
- What is meant by full-time and part-time?
Full-time is 12 months for 40 hours/week and part-time is for 24 months for 20 hours/week.
Application Formatting
- Does the standardized workplan count towards the 60-page limit? Does the budget narrative count towards the 60-page limit?
Please see page 40 of the SF-424 R&R (PDF) for pages that count.
Forms that DO NOT count in the page limit include:
- Standard OMB-approved forms included in the workspace application package do not count in the page limit. The abstract is the standard form (SF) "Project Abstract Summary.”
- The Indirect Cost Rate Agreement.
- The proof of non-profit status (if applicable).
- Will a template be provided for the Standardized Work Plan (SWP)?
Yes. The SWP Form is part of the electronic application package and must be completed online as a part of the application package.
Funding Priority
- Can an applicant qualify for more than one funding priority?
The ISTP has one funding priority that can be met by any one of the four criteria listed in the NOFO. If an applicant submits for more than one funding priority, they will only receive five points.
Collaboration and Partnerships
- If a Federally Qualified Health Center partners with an academic institution to provide the training, will a contract or letter of agreement be required or is a letter of support indicating their intent to participate sufficient?
Letters of Agreement, Memoranda of Understanding, Description(s) of Proposed/Existing Contracts, and Letters of Support are optional attachments. It is up to the applicant to determine the documentation to support their proposed project.
- Points of Contact:
Nancy Douglas-Kersellius:
Cynthia Harne: