Scholarship program guidance
Nurse Corps Scholarship Application and Program Guidance (PDF - 546 KB)
Nurse Corps Scholarship Program scholars must begin employment at an eligible Critical Shortage Facility with either a mental health or primary care Health Professional Shortage Area score of 14 or higher within nine months of graduation.
Your employment search process and converting you from student/training to a licensed clinician working toward your service obligation is officially referred to as the Nurse Corps Transition to Service process. A regional analyst is assigned to provide administrative support throughout this process to ensure you successfully transition into your service obligation. However, you are responsible for communicating with potential employers and obtaining a job offer.
Follow this Nurse Corps Transition to Service step-by-step guidance to successfully conduct your employment search and comply with all program requirements.
To prepare for service, you must:
Note: If you have other questions regarding tuition, stipends, or post-graduate training, go to Ask a Question in My BHW.
To communicate directly with an analyst using the Question (ID#):
Primary Care Settings | Hospital and Other Critical Shortage Facilities | Facilities and employment statuses that do not meet your required service obligation |
If you can’t start your service as planned:
Note: If you complete post-graduate training at an eligible Critical Service Facility in a HPSA with a score of 14 or higher, you will get service credit and don’t need to request a deferment.
Call 1-800-221-9393
(TTY: 1-877-897-9910) M – F, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. ET
(except federal holidays)
Email us or
My BHW, select Ask a Question
Nurse Corps Scholarship Application and Program Guidance (PDF - 546 KB)