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FAQ: Primary Care Training and Enhancement—Residency Training in Street Medicine

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA 25-078

Funding priority and funding preference
Program requirements and expectations
Miscellaneous questions


Can an organization apply if they plan to start up a residency program in Family Medicine?

No. Applicants must have a currently accredited GME program in pediatrics, family medicine, internal medicine, or combined internal medicine-pediatrics to apply for this grant program. The application must include a copy of the accreditation letter from ACGME.

Can an organization apply if they operate an Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB-GYN) residency but not one of the listed residencies?

No. The authorizing legislation for Primary Care Training Enhancement limits the funding support to residency programs in pediatrics, family medicine, internal medicine, or combined internal medicine-pediatrics.

If an organization operates both an internal medicine and a pediatrics residency, can they use this grant to support both GME programs?

An applicant organization can only submit a single application.

Qualifying residencies within the organization can be supported. Organizations would need to submit ACGME letters for all programs they want supported.

If you intend to request a financial preference or priority, you must provide data from a single residency that you identify as the principal training program.

Can a training program’s accreditation letter use a different name than the one associated with the Unique Entity Identifier (UEI)?

The organization must have one (or more) qualified, accredited residency training program(s). The organization should be listed as the Institutional Sponsor on the submitted ACGME accreditation letter. However, an organization can do business under a variety of names. If the Institutional Sponsor name does not match the Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) name, the narrative of the application should explain how the two names represent the same organization.

The funding opportunity states: “the proposed Project Director must be a board-certified physician in a primary care specialty…” Would a cardiologist that is board-certified in Internal Medicine (primary care specialty) be eligible to apply as Project Director for this grant program?

Yes. You must have a Board certification in a primary care specialty.

If our organization is currently receiving funding from another HRSA training grant, are we still eligible for this competition?

Having a different federal award does not affect an applicant’s eligibility for this competition.

Funding priority and funding preference

There’s a funding preference option that exists for a “new program having graduated less than three classes.” If an existing program in pediatrics started up a recent primary care track, can they qualify for this funding preference based on this new track?

No. HRSA considers a specific qualifying residency to be defined by the ID number assigned by ACGME. Most “tracks” would not have a separate ID number. The ACGME accreditation letter to include in your application will indicate the year your organization was accredited.

Some ACGME Rural Track Programs may be separately accredited, with a unique ID number. A new program may qualify for a funding preference in such circumstances.

Some program completers go on to additional GME training (e.g., fellowship training). If they are doing their fellowship in a Medically Underserved Community (MUC), can they be counted in calculations for the funding preference?

No. The funding preference (under 2 of the 3 criteria) depends on the practice location of graduates. GME training happens in a training location, which does not apply for the funding preference. These individuals are included in the total number of graduates, but not included in the number of graduates practicing in MUCs.

In applying for the funding preference, how can we identify which graduates are practicing in a medically underserved community (MUC)?

The definition of Medically Underserved Community (MUC) is in the online BHW Glossary.

An MUC is a geographic location or population of people eligible for designation by the federal government as a:

  • Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA)
  • Medically Underserved Area (MUA)
  • Medically Underserved Population (MUP)
  • Governor’s Certified Shortage Area for Rural Health Clinic

Sites that are recognized as any of these are relevant for the funding preference. Access HRSA’s HPSA designations.

Sites that are recognized under the other three categories can be found under HRSA’s medically underserved areas designations.

Note: With funding preference request, you should include information about how you calculated your relevant percentages, and whether the qualification is by HPSA, MUA, MUP, or Governor’s designation. There is no need to name individuals or their practice locations.

Street Medicine is described mostly as an urban activity. Are rural GME programs able to apply?

Yes, rural training programs are eligible to apply. The funding opportunity also includes a funding priority for applicants that currently train in rural areas.

Program requirements and expectations

When a patient loses their permanent housing, they go into foster care or similar temporary housing. Can we include temporary placements within HRSA’s definition of homeless?

Yes. Patients who have lost their permanent housing can be included.

Are we able to rearrange the requirement for two one-month rotations if it doesn’t fit our schedule?

There is some flexibility. It will be important to explain in the application narrative how the proposal matches the time commitment and experience that would be provided in two month-long block rotations.

The funding opportunity’s requirements and expectations include developing partnerships. What sort of partnerships might we develop?

HRSA anticipates that residency programs will need to partner with organizations that provide services to homeless populations. Such organizations might include Health Care for the Homeless, other training programs, or Legal Aid. Partner organizations should have complementary resources or activities that enhance the training aims of this grant program.

The requirements and expectations include “Provide residents with training in... Medication for Opioid Use Disorder.” What would this training look like?

At a minimum, residents should become comfortable with initiating and prescribing buprenorphine, as well as using naloxone and related agents.

Miscellaneous questions

What is the Maintenance of Effort (MOE) reporting requirement for Attachment 5?

When the federal government gives a grant like this, it wants to ensure that the money is spent on new or upgraded activities rather than current operations, where the government funding would simply free up resources for purposes other than the grant.

Many of your proposed activities are things you’re not yet doing. In this case, your MOE reported spending could be zero, and that’s fine. In other cases, you may already be doing things that you’re proposing, in which case your current spending would not be zero.

If your proposal is funded, your annual reporting will include a statement of your organization’s annual spending on the proposed activities, with an expectation that spending does not fall below what you’ve reported in this application.

Where can I find the application package for this grant?

The application can be found on

Select “Package” and then ‘Preview.” Select “Download Instructions” for the PDF guidance. It also shows the required forms to include in your application.

Access HRSA’s funding opportunity page for more information

Do we need to submit the BHW Program Specific Data Form?

No. The BHW Program Specific Data Form is not needed to apply for this funding opportunity.

A proposal includes partnering with a local organization that operates a mobile van, which will be utilized in the training. How can we specify the address for this “site” in Attachment 4?

HRSA advises using the location of the van’s home base. You may need to include an explanation in the attachment.

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