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On this page: Check out these shareable resources that you can use to promote the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program, including:
To embed the Nurse Corps Scholarship web badges on your website, copy and paste the following source code.
<a href="https://bit.ly/3PAoOhV"><img alt="HRSA Nurse Corps Scholarship Program webpage" src="https://bhw.hrsa.gov/sites/default/files/bureau-health-workforce/images/2024-03/scholarship-program/scholarship-program-web-badge-1.jpg"></a>
<a href="https://bit.ly/3Trcoeh"><img alt="HRSA Nurse Corps Scholarship Program webpage" src="https://bhw.hrsa.gov/sites/default/files/bureau-health-workforce/images/2024-03/scholarship-program/scholarship-program-web-badge-2.jpg"></a>
Use this content to create tailored messages that you can share with your members.
How to use: Copy and paste into your email newsletters or add to your web pages.
The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program provides financial support to students enrolled in nursing degree programs in exchange for a commitment to serve in high-need areas across the country. The scholarship includes payment of tuition, required fees, other reasonable costs, and a monthly living stipend.
After graduation, scholarship recipients fulfill their service commitment at an approved location with a critical shortage of nurses.
Interested in applying? Check out the program fact sheet (PDF - 104 KB) to learn more about the program and eligibility requirements and sign-up to receive email updates on this program.
How to use: Copy and paste into your email newsletters, social media, and web pages.
How to use: Save the image file (JPG) to your computer. Then use the images in presentations, post to social media, or send in an email.
Nurse Corps Baltimore Profile - YouTube
You can use these slides to add information about the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program to your presentations. Share with health professionals, health center administrators, and other stakeholders.
Nurse Corps 101: Scholarship Program (PPTX - 3 MB)
Attention Nurses: Learn about the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program
The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program provides scholarships to nursing students in exchange for a minimum two-year, full-time service commitment (or part-time equivalent) at an eligible health care facility with a critical shortage of nurses. Scholarship support includes payment of tuition, required fees, other reasonable costs, and a monthly living stipend.
Learn more about the program and eligibility requirements, check out the program's fact sheet (PDF - 104 KB), and sign up to receive email updates about the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program.
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How to use: Link to these PDFs in your marketing communications materials such as electronic newsletters and web pages.