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Health Workforce Programs

Our workforce programs help strengthen the health workforce and connect skilled health care providers to communities in need, improving the health of people who need it most.

We offer scholarship, loan, and loan repayment programs to individuals and award grants to organizations (For example, schools, hospitals, health departments).

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21-30 of 77 BHW Program Pages

Centers of Excellence Program (COE)

Program Type: Grant
Topic: Behavioral or Mental Health; Medicine; Oral Health
Purpose: Improve access to culturally appropriate health care by increasing the number of underrepresented minority students who enter and graduate from health professions training programs.

Children's Hospitals Graduate Medical Education Payment (CHGME) Program

Program Type: Grant
Topic: Medicine
Purpose: Educate and prepare the pediatric health workforce to serve children and innovate in the area of pediatrics to compensate for the disparity in the level of federal graduate medical education funding for freestanding children’s teaching hospitals versus other types of teaching hospitals.

Community Health Worker Training Program (CHWTP)

Program Type: Grant
Topic: Public Health
Purpose: Increase the number of community health workers and health support workers and equip them with the skillsets needed to provide effective community outreach build trust with communities, support connections to and retention in care and support services, and implement other strategies to increase access to care and to assist individuals in prevention services and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and other public health emergencies in underserved communities.

Dental Clinician Educator Career Development Program

Program Type: Grant
Topic: Oral Health
Purpose: Strengthen the primary care workforce by supporting the academic career development of dental faculty and primary care physicians though a collaborative project between multiple departments.

Dental Faculty Loan Repayment Program (DFLRP)

Program Type: Grant
Topic: Oral Health
Purpose: Increase the number of dental and dental hygiene faculty in the workforce by assisting dental and dental hygiene training programs to attract and retain dental and dental hygiene faculty through the operation of a loan repayment program.

Faculty Loan Repayment Program (FLRP)

Program Type: Loan Repayment
Topic: Behavioral or Mental Health; Medicine; Nursing; Oral Health
Purpose: Provide loan repayment assistance to faculty members from economically and environmentally disadvantaged backgrounds with eligible health professions degrees or certificates to serve at eligible academic institutions.

Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)

Program Type: Grant
Topic: Geriatrics
Purpose: Develop a health care workforce that maximizes patient and family engagement to address gaps in health for older adults by integrating geriatrics and primary care and other appropriate specialties, including collaboration with community partners.

Graduate Psychology Education (GPE) Program

Program Type: Grant
Topic: Behavioral or Mental Health
Purpose: Train doctoral health service psychology students, interns, and post-doctoral residents in integrated, interdisciplinary behavioral health for placement into community-based primary care settings in high-need and high-demand areas.

Grants to States to Support Oral Health Workforce Activities

Program Type: Grant
Topic: Oral Health
Purpose: Help states develop and implement innovative programs to address the dental workforce needs of designated dental health professional shortage areas (Dental HPSAs) in a manner appropriate to each state’s individual needs.